Back, Neck and Joint Pain
Back, Neck and Joint
Pain Back, neck and joint pain are among the most common patient complaints. These pains can be caused by several factors: A vertebra or bone that is not in its normal position can press on nerves and blood vessels in the area. Improper movement of the vertebrae may also cause constant pressure on sensitive structures. Damage or inflammation of joint cartilage causes pain during movement. A herniated spinal disc will press on nerve roots and cause severe pain. Tension in the muscles of the neck and back as a result of improper sitting or overactivity can also cause significant pain. In addition, a vertebra or bone not in its correct position may impair the proper functioning of surrounding muscles and skeletal parts. This can lead to weakness and the loss of sensation, as well as a limited range of motion. Chiropractic treatment includes returning the structures to their proper position and releasing pressure to relieve pain and restore the normal function of the damaged organs.