Additional Areas of Treatment
Ergonomic Consulting
Ergonomic consulting is an important part of the comprehensive chiropractic approach to treating movement problems, pain, and various work habits. Ergonomic consulting focuses on the patient's work environment and movement habits to prevent overload and repeated injuries. It includes an in-depth analysis of body posture during various activities such as sitting, standing and walking, as well as identifying problematic habits.
Chronic Pain
Our clinic often treats patients suffering from chronic pain - pain that continues over time. Chronic pain can result from various factors, such as old injuries that did not properly heal, a buildup of pressure on nerves, degenerative arthritis and more. Pain sometimes becomes chronic when it is not properly diagnosed and treated in time. We specialize in identifying the exact causes of each patient's chronic pain and provide the appropriate dedicated treatment, which includes manual techniques for relieving pressure on nerves, vertebral mobilization and more.
Nutrition Counseling and Training
In addition to physical treatments, our clinic also provides patients with personal nutrition counseling and practical training for a healthy lifestyle. We believe that the nutritional component, movement habits and physical activity are an integral part of treatment. Our nutrition counseling examines patients' eating habits and activity and provides personal recommendations for improvement. We provide patients with guidance on topics such as a personalized diet, the consumption of vitamins and minerals as needed, limiting certain foods and more.
Physical Therapy /
Chiropractic Equipment
Our clinic incorporates the use of advanced physical therapy and chiropractic equipment in the treatment we provide our patients.
We use various electrical wave and current devices, such as TENS waves and ultrasound, to achieve a variety of therapeutic effects.